1] Keep track of the shows you want to play next with the help of Watchlist

Prime video contains thousands of movies and shows with new original shows added too often. With so many original shows and movies available, it is quite natural to be confused about what to play next. One way to keep track of you what you have watched previously and what content you want to play next is by creating a Watchlist. With this feature, one can easily keep a record of all the fresh movies and shows to be watched later. This feature is available both on the web as well as Prime mobile apps. To add shows and movies to your watchlist, Simply click on the Plus sign icon at the bottom of the video’s thumbnail that you want to watch later. All the videos saved to watch later will appear under the option Your Watchlist under the menu section. The movies and shows entries in the Watchlist can be sorted based on a different metric. Additionally, you can delete the entries from the wishlist if you change your mind.

2] Learn more about what you are watching with X-Ray

3] Limit excessive period on Prime by turning off Auto Play

Many of us love to indulge in binge-watching shows and Prime video has an AutoPlay feature that allows its subscribers to watch multiple shows in rapid succession. AutoPlay adds episodes to the queue so that if you are done watching an episode another episode of the show is automatically played from the queue. No doubt AutoPlay is useful for people who love to binge-watch their favorite shows. However, if want to limit the number of hours you are spending in Prime video, you can control binge-watching by turning off the AutoPlay feature. To disable AutoPlay, go to the Settings page and under the Playback tab, you will find a toggle switch to turn off Auto Play.

4] Share Prime Membership with other People

5] Limit access to Prime videos by Setting Parental controls

6] Download favorite videos for playing on the Go