GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer for Windows computers

LAN Optimizer is a unique and exclusive Gigabyte application that allows users to get the very best online experience by taking charge of their Internet bandwidth in a way that was only available to very high-end solutions in the past. Prioritizing network-sensitive applications such as streaming media content, communications, and online gaming, LAN Optimizer intelligently manages your network to deliver an optimized online experience. It offers user-friendly, intelligent network management. It works to monitor and manage your PC’s network behavior. Its simple user interface allows you to select the types of network traffic you want to prioritize, including gaming, media streaming, communications, or web browsing data traffic. You can also target specific applications, choosing to prioritize or block accordingly. LAN Optimizer also features automatic management options that use adaptive networking intelligence to ensure you get the best online experience possible. Gigabyte users will, therefore, get the very best online experience by taking charge of their internet bandwidth in a way that was only available to very high-end solutions in the past. GIGABYTE LAN Optimizer is entirely free to applicable GIGABYTE motherboard customers. You can download it from its home page.