Google’s Your Timeline app

Your Timeline offers a simple way to quickly recall the places you’ve been – whether it’s a famous tourist spot you visited during your last vacation or a frequented bar where you had your drink a few months ago? Your Timeline can help! It allows you to visualize your trips taken in the past and get a glimpse of the places where you spend your time, along with favorite pics if you used Google Photos to help resurface your memories. The excellent part is Your Timeline is private and visible only to you, and you control the locations you choose to keep. This means you can quickly delete your entire history at any time. You can edit any place that appears in Your Timeline, including removing a specific location. This spot will then appear right in Google Maps when you’re logged in.

If you have this setting enabled, you can discover the places you’ve been and the routes you’ve traveled in your timeline. You can add a place. To do so, simply hit the ‘Add a Place’ button and enter a place name or address.

Next, save the location. If you would like to know the place details, click the three dots adjacent to the place name and select the option’ place details’. If you wouldn’t like to divulge details about your local travel to anyone for some reason, it’s better to have it deleted. For this, choose the ‘Settings’ icon adjacent to the ‘Map Satellite’ description, and from the list of options displayed, hit ‘Delete all location History‘.

Visit your Timeline page on Google Maps to view the places you visited in the Past.

Why is my Google Timeline not working?

It is because there is a location permission issue on your phone. Any app which wants to use your location in the background needs the correct permission. Go to Settings > Location. Make sure it’s turned on. Next, click on the Maps app and ensure it is set to allow all the time. If the permission is correctly set, restart your phone, and make sure it’s connected to a network.